The Epsom Derby is one of the world’s leading flat racing events throughout the racing season. Unusually, the racecourse is on public grounds. Crowds of around 100,000 people gather, not only in the paid enclosures and hospitality areas but also in the free public area. They love the entertainment, the fun fair, the atmosphere and, of course, the race shown on big screens. They also need to be able to hear the commentary, prize giving and other announcements.
Event Planning:
We work with racecourse personnel to identify which areas of the site that requires additional audio reinforcement
We collaborate with the other suppliers to make use of power supplies and planned power generation where required. We liaise closely with the racecourse technical team to link their racecourse audio feeds to our audio systems located around the racecourse
Event Delivery:
We coordinate a team of technicians and suppliers to look after each area during the event
We provide an emergency announcement microphone and feed from the event control office to override all onsite sound systems if required
We orchestrate clever cabling with speaker cabling runs designed to avoid trip hazards to public, vehicles and horses
Due to our familiarity with the event, the Derby organisers can focus on other areas, confidently leaving the audio to us
Why the Derby returns to Soundbite
Our familiarity with the event brings knowledge of the people, the ground and the infrastructure. Each year, we build on our experience and bring fresh ideas, technologies and shortcuts to ensure the event runs more smoothly than the year before.